2023 Impact Report
Making fully committed followers of Jesus.
Encounter the Spirit, empower people, and embody Jesus in our city.
A note from our Lead Pastor
I trust you’ll be inspired and encouraged by the tremendous testimonies and highlights shared here in our 2023 Impact Report. Church, this is a wonderful reminder of how we’re better together. I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to each one of you who partner with us. Your financial generosity fuels the mission of the church and the personal investment you make in sharing your time and talents helps us embody Jesus in our city. We realized some significant miracles and growth this past year and we’re confident God will continue to lead us forward into an exciting future.
-Pastor Chad Johnson
people have meaningfully engaged with The House in 2023
as a part of a group, by serving on a team, giving financially, checking into Treehouse Kids or House Youth, getting baptized, or by signing up for a ministry role!
People engage In Our Weekend Services
An average of 436 people attend our Sunday in-person services
Up from 352 in 2022. This reflects a 23% growth YOY.
An average of 300 weekly livestream views
On our Youtube, Livestream and website platforms.
17,000+ views last year, with an average 1.5k impressions per week
People watch or listen to each service via our Youtube channel, website, or podcast from 17 different countries.
340+ people have served in 2023
What does a Sunday take?
Over 75 people are scheduled to serve each week across three services.
15 people Baptized
in Water
Dozens of people raised their hand indicating a commitment to follow Jesus
people responded by receiving a Bible at the Info Booth
50 people served and attended Alpha, an 11 week series exploring the christian faith in a safe non-threatening environment.
Life Shared
72 people joined us for 4 weeks, exploring what evangelism could look like in everyday life.
94 people participated in our 7 week spiritual formation course on practicing rhythms that help us stay connected to God in the midst of everyday life.
50 young adults participated in a 5 week series exploring the essential themes found throughout the story of Scripture.
Community Impact
Community Groups
People connected in 18 different community groups
Mentoring Network
Individuals connected in a formal mentor/mentee relationship
Marriage Ministry
Couples took part in our formal pre-marriage coaching ministry with our Symbis certified mentor couples
100 Students
Attended The House Youth, with 22 attending weekly
50 Non-church Students
Attended our weekly after school drop-in held at Embassy church in Rutland. Hundreds of hot dogs were served, students were tutored, and had a safe place to hang out. This was made possible through a partnership with Youth Unlimited.
25 Students
Attended Awaken Camp, YG and Fall retreat
5 student leaders
Participated in our student leadership program
Sunday Nights
150+ Young adult service attendance
Student Lounge
30+ Students weekly at our student lounge
On Campus
We partnered with UCM for their on campus kickoff reaching 300+ students
Corn Roast
450+ Young adults attended our fall corn roast kickoff event
25+ Students utilize our Sunday night shuttle service to and from UBCO
Community Groups
50+ Young adults participate in a community group utilizing our ‘Essentials’ or ‘Rhythms’ materials.
Treehouse Kids
Behind each number is a name and a child that God cares deeply about
Kids participated in Treehouse Kids over two services each week
21 new families joined our church community in 2023
53 Kids attended our first ever VBS,
18 of whom were not from a church community.
Local Missions
Rothon Family (Youth Unlimited)
Jaggers Family (Family Life Canada)
Metro Kelowna
University Christian Ministries
$22,300 Given
to local and global partners
Global Partners
Armitage Family (PAOC Slovakia)
Williams Family (PAOC Spain)
$790,579 | Total Income
$732,089 | Donations*
$58,490 | Other income
*Up 17% YOY
People gave for the first time in 2023
$833,584 | Total Capital & Operational Expenses
$440,750 | Staff Expenses
$147,732 | Ministry Expenses
$175,750 | Facilities and Operations
$69,352 | Capital Expenses*
*Shuttle & Misc Capital
Building Purchase
$1,576,154 | Building Income
$2,589,493 | Building Expenses
$733,654 | Capital Fund Donation
$800,000 | Gift In Kind Donation
$42,500 | GST Rebate
$2,500,000 | Building Purchase
$4,493 | Closing Costs
$85,000 | GST
$1,029,189 | Outstanding Debt
$986,689 | Mortgage Outstanding*
$42,500 | Promissory Note due March 31, 2024
*$7,215 Monthly Mortgage Payment
Through two significant donations of $1.5m and $45K we were able to purchase both our building and a much needed new shuttle van.
Thanks for partnering with us to make An impact for the kingdom
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