2023 Impact Report

Making fully committed followers of Jesus.

Encounter the Spirit, ​empower people, and ​embody Jesus in our city.

Modern Scribble Oblong

A note from our Lead Pastor

I trust you’ll be inspired and encouraged by the ​tremendous testimonies and highlights shared ​here in our 2023 Impact Report. Church, this is a ​wonderful reminder of how we’re better together. ​I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to ​each one of you who partner with us. Your financial ​generosity fuels the mission of the church and the ​personal investment you make in sharing your time ​and talents helps us embody Jesus in our city. We ​realized some significant miracles and growth this ​past year and we’re confident God will continue to ​lead us forward into an exciting future.

-Pastor Chad Johnson


people have meaningfully ​engaged with The House in 2023

Black Scribble Border

as a part of a group, by serving on a ​team, giving financially, checking into ​Treehouse Kids or House Youth, ​getting baptized, or by signing up for a ​ministry role!


People engage In Our ​Weekend Services

An average of 436 people attend ​our Sunday in-person services

Up from 352 in 2022. This reflects a​ 23% growth YOY.

An average of 300 weekly ​livestream views

On our Youtube, Livestream and ​website platforms.

17,000+ views last year, with an ​average 1.5k impressions per week

People watch or listen to each service ​via our Youtube channel, website, or ​podcast from 17 different countries.


Modern Scribble Line

340+ people have ​served in 2023

What does a Sunday take?

Over 75 people are scheduled to serve ​each week across three services.

15 people Baptized

in Water

Black Scribble Border

Dozens of people raised their ​hand indicating a ​commitment to follow Jesus


people responded by receiving a ​Bible at the Info Booth



50 people served and ​attended Alpha, an 11 week ​series exploring the ​christian faith in a safe non-​threatening environment.

Life Shared

72 people joined us for 4 ​weeks, exploring what ​evangelism could look ​like in everyday life.


94 people participated in ​our 7 week spiritual formation ​course on practicing rhythms ​that help us stay connected ​to God in the midst of ​everyday life.


50 young adults ​participated in a 5 week ​series exploring the ​essential themes found ​throughout the story of ​Scripture.

Community Impact

Black Scribble Border

Community Groups


People ​connected in​ 18 different ​community ​groups

Mentoring Network


Individuals ​connected in a ​formal ​mentor/mentee ​relationship

Marriage Ministry


Couples took ​part in our formal ​pre-marriage ​coaching ​ministry with our ​Symbis certified ​mentor couples

Pouring into ​the church ​of tomorrow

100 Student​s

Attended The House Youth, with 22 attending weekly

50 Non-church Students

Attended our weekly after school drop-in held at Embassy church in Rutland. ​Hundreds of hot dogs were served, students were tutored, and had a safe plac​e to hang out. This was made possible through a partnership with Yout​h Unlimited.​

25 ​Students

Attended Awaken Camp, YG and Fall retreat

5 student leaders

Participated in our student leadership program ​

Sunday Nights

150+ Young adult service ​attendance

Student Lounge

30+ Students weekly at ​our student lounge

On Campus

We partnered with UCM​ for their on campus ​kickoff reaching 300+​ students

Corn Roast

450+ Young adults ​attended our fall corn ​roast kickoff event


25+ Students utilize our ​Sunday night shuttle ​service to and from ​UBCO

Community Groups

50+ Young adults ​participate in a ​community group ​utilizing our ‘Essentials’ or ​‘Rhythms’ materials.

Treehouse Kids

Behind each number is a name and a ​child that God cares deeply about

Black Brush Stroke Scribble


Kids participated in ​Treehouse Kids over two ​services each week

Underline Brushstroke Doodle

21 new families joined our church ​community in 2023

An additional 60 families visited ​The House, and checked in their ​kids to Treehouse Kids Ministry.

53 Kids attended our first ever VBS,

18 of whom were not from a church ​community.


People volunteer ​in our worship ​and technology ​ministry


Impressions on ​our online Easter​ sunday service​


Originial songs ​written and sung ​in Sunday ​services

Check out The ​House Worship ​on Youtube

Local Missions

Rothon Family (Youth Unlimited)

Jaggers Family (Family Life Canada)

Metro Kelowna

University Christian Ministries

$22,300 Given

to local and ​global partners

Global Partners

Armitage Family (PAOC Slovakia)

Williams Family (PAOC Spain)


$790,579 | Total Income

$732,089 | Donations*

$58,490 | Other income

*Up 17% YOY


People gave for the ​first time in 2023

$833,584 | Total Capital & Operational Expenses

$440,750 | Staff Expenses

$147,732 | Ministry Expenses

$175,750 | Facilities and Operations

$69,352 | Capital Expenses*

*Shuttle & Misc Capital

Building Purchase

$1,576,154 | Building Income

$2,589,493 | Building Expenses

$733,654 | Capital Fund Donatio​n

$800,000 | Gift In Kin​d Donation

$42,500 | G​S​T Rebate

$2,500,000 | Building Pu​rchase

$4,493 | Closing ​Costs

$85,000 ​| GST

$1,029,189 | Outstanding Debt

$986,689 | Mortgage Outstanding*

$42,500 | Promissory Note due March 31, 2024

*$7,215 Monthly Mortgage Payment



Through two significant ​donations of $1.5m and $45K​ we were able to purchase ​both our building and a much ​needed new shu​t​tle van.

Thanks for partnering ​with us to make An ​impact for the kingdom

Modern Scribble Oblong

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